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The feathered fan dance is the most sensual and dramatic of the classic burlesque techniques. It’s popular, fantastic, making people, man or woman, even the kids, fascinate with it. But as to the novices, how to get the suitable fan? How to dance with that fantastic fan? That’s really a problem. So, here hot fans show you some details.  

Choosing a Fan 

A Fresh Should Begin With Small Fans, Like Our Fans Size In 21"x38" With Marabou & Ostrich-Feather Fans.Or 24"x 41" / 25"x 45 "Single Layer Ostrich Feathers Fans,Which Will Be A Good Choice. Gradually, I Know Who Has Fans。
Loves Them And Agrees That It'S Worth The Expense And Effort Involved. The Larger Collapsible Ostrich-Feather Fans (Like Our Fans Size In Two Layer 30"X54" / 34"X 60" And Three And Four Layer ,Double Layer ,Pheasant Feather FanEtc.) That Are Fairly Standard Among Modern Burlesque Performers Can Run To Almost Any Price Depending On The Size And Other Materials Involved.You Can Learn How To Move The Fan When You Turn So That What The Fan Concealed When You Change Your Position, Of Course, You'D Better Practice,In Front Of A Mirror.
Which Will Be A Good Choice. Gradually, I Know Who Has Fans
When Performing, You Have To Keep In Mind What The Viewer Can See--Not What You Think They Can See, Not What You Imagine They Can See, But What They Can Actually, Truly See.
When you first handle your fans, be sure to spend some time gliding them through the air and feeling the resistance of the feathers against the air. This is something you want to work with, not against. Working with that resistance will give you grace and energy.
While you practice handling the fans, keep in mind the placement of your hands when you find a move or pose you like. The key to fan dance choreography is keeping track of the positions of your hands and arms as well as the positions of your fans.

Holding the Fan 

When you first handle your fans, be sure to spend some time gliding them through the air and feeling the resistance of the feathers against the air. This is something you want to work with, not against. Working with that resistance will give you grace and energy.While you practice handling the fans, keep in mind the placement of your hands when you find a move or pose you like. The key to fan dance choreography is keeping track of the positions of your hands and arms as well as the positions of your fans. 

The pose of feather fan dance

Cup and Reveal

this is the most basic of cover-and-reveal, as with all the moves to follow, the most important thing is to be sure that you are covering what you intend to cover. in order to reveal, i keep my hand againet my body and ilt the fan open. note that when i reveal, i am using the hand on the side away from the viewer to open the fans, pulling the curve of the feather away from my body instead of having to drop the fan. many fan-handing newbies try to open the fans with the hand nearest theviewer, but it is more graceful and photogenic as shown.

Side Pull

this is simple move that engages your lower body and gives the viewer movement to watoh without revealing your torso. layer the fans one over the other in front of you. pull out the bottom fan rather than merely raising the top fan; it's a slinkier move. you can also swirl the fan over your head before you bring it back down to cover the other, then pull out the one on the bottomand swirl it as well.


This is a beautiful reveal that you can do multiple times in a number. Simply clasp one fan in the back and one in the front, and turn your hands at the wrist to drop them without moving your arms, then pull them back up and drop them again. Flirt! For a variation, Try dropping them back up and flutter both while you hold the pose.

Clam Face

This is a bit of a comic move. In general I don’t recommend letting the fans get in front of your face, but when you do this the audience loves it. Bring the fans together in front of you, and then raise them to obscure your face. Slowly open them, and then leave one at you hip while you hold the other behind your head and flutter it. 

Tail Feathers

Rest your hands against your thighs, as shown. The fans will cover your derriere. Drop you hands, as shown, to reveal. Bring the fans back up, and pull your waist, giving another reveal. Drop them to cover, and then lift them again. Turn around to face the viewer and spread the fans open as in the Rising Sun move.

Reverse Tail Feathers

This is what Tail Feathers like if you hold the fans with the curve of the feathers going over your fingers rather than your thumbs. Look how cute! Curling back or curling forward, holding a showgirl-style feather tail is always a winning pose.


Bring the fans up, allowing the staves to make a straight line across, as in the photo, then turn your thumbs up, running the tips of the fans together to keep from revealing between them. Hold them in the resulting heart shape, and make them beat by flicking them slightly forward and back several times.

Rising Sun

Hold the fans over your head layered over each other .Then bend your wrists so that the backs of your hands move away from the top of your head, so that the fans open up over you, as in the picture. It takes practice to get this to look even, but it is a fabulous reveal!

Wings in Profile

Hold your knuckles against your shoulders so that the fans are parallel behind your head, then pivot your body to the side and open the fans out.

Dramatic Cleavage

Hold the fans in front of you, then open them out to the sides. Cross your arms tight against the sides of your rib cage. Bring the fans in close to frame your upper torso and lean forward, showing cleavage. Shimmy the fans slightly with your hands.