Su cesta

Su cesta está actualmente vacía.

Check out these collections.

Handling time: We try to ship items within 2 to 4 days of receiving payment. If shipping time is critical, please let us know before ordering.

Processing time : 2 - 4 days .
Estimated shipping times :

Standard shipping : 10- 25 business days

Express shipping :4 -8 business days

Normally it’ll take 10- 25 business days on the way to you by standard shipping service while 4 -8 business days by Express service.

We do offer Rush order as an alternative option for faster processing.

Note:From time to time if the feather color for you purchased is not enough in stock to make your order, we need about 7-10 days to dye these feathers, so there will be a delay in making your order, of course we will notify you in time

If there’s any need to receive the item for urgency,please contact us to deal with the details.

Thanks a million.