Choosing a Fan
A Fresh Should Begin With Small Fans, Like Our Fans Size In 21"x38" With Marabou & Ostrich-Feather Fans.Or 24"x 41" / 25"x 45 "Single Layer Ostrich Feathers Fans,Which Will Be A Good Choice. Gradually, I Know Who Has Fans。
Loves Them And Agrees That It'S Worth The Expense And Effort Involved. The Larger Collapsible Ostrich-Feather Fans (Like Our Fans Size In Two Layer 30"X54" / 34"X 60" And Three And Four Layer ,Double Layer ,Pheasant Feather FanEtc.) That Are Fairly Standard Among Modern Burlesque Performers Can Run To Almost Any Price Depending On The Size And Other Materials Involved.You Can Learn How To Move The Fan When You Turn So That What The Fan Concealed When You Change Your Position, Of Course, You'D Better Practice,In Front Of A Mirror.
Which Will Be A Good Choice. Gradually, I Know Who Has Fans
When Performing, You Have To Keep In Mind What The Viewer Can See--Not What You Think They Can See, Not What You Imagine They Can See, But What They Can Actually, Truly See.
When you first handle your fans, be sure to spend some time gliding them through the air and feeling the resistance of the feathers against the air. This is something you want to work with, not against. Working with that resistance will give you grace and energy.
While you practice handling the fans, keep in mind the placement of your hands when you find a move or pose you like. The key to fan dance choreography is keeping track of the positions of your hands and arms as well as the positions of your fans.